上外语料库研究院雷蕾教授、David Machin教授入选爱思唯尔2023“中国高被引学者”榜单

2024年3月27日,爱思唯尔 (Elsevier) 发布2023“中国高被引学者” (Highly Cited Chinese Researchers) 榜单。

上海外国语大学语料库研究院雷蕾教授David Machin教授入选该榜单。



雷蕾,文学博士,上海外国语大学语料库研究院教授、博士生导师。研究兴趣涉及语料库语言学、语言数字人文、学术英语、语言计量研究等。在Cambridge University Press、TESOL Press、科学出版社等出版专著多部。在Applied Linguistics、Language Teaching、International Journal of Corpus Linguistics、System等SSCI期刊发表研究性论文近四十篇、发表书评十余篇,两篇入选ESI高被引论文,另在《现代外语》、《外语教学》、《解放军外国语学院学报》等CSSCI期刊发表论文或书评10余篇。主持完成国家社科基金项目等科研项目多项。Journal of English for Academic Purposes (SSCI)等国内外多本期刊编委。

David Machin教授

David Machin is an internationally established scholar working in the fields of Critical Discourse Analysis and Multimodality. He began working in the Institute early in 2022. His books are widely referenced and standard on reading lists in teaching around the world. David is co-editor of the peer reviewed Taylor & Francis journal Social Semiotics, which publishes papers in the wider field of discourse and critical multimodal studies, and the Bloomsbury books series Advances in Critical Discourse Studies. He sits on the editorial boards of the leading international discourse and communication journals.