Fifth International Conference on T & I and Cognition

After four successful and inspiring conferences in Argentina, Germany, Italy, and Chile, ICTIC 5 will be hosted by the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. We are happy to welcome you from 2-4 June 2025 to Norway’s southern summer destination. 

The theme for the fifth iteration of the ICTIC conference is Translation and Cognition on the ground. What is now recognized as legitimate empirical phenomena within the field of Translation and Interpreting Studies is a much broader and more inclusive category than was the case just a couple of decades ago. The remit of the field is expanding to encompass multiple new forms of mediated communication in a range of new scenarios. Expansion is occurring along virtually every dimension imaginable: the languages or communicative codes involved, the communicative modalities involved, the settings in which the mediation occurs, the participants involved, and the technologies employed (or not), just to mention some. The diversity of settings, task parameters, and participants entails various configurations of resources, power and relationships that impact how the translational activity plays out in important ways. Investigating this wealth of phenomena calls for methodological diversity and innovation. Studying cognition in translation and interpreting on the ground in this multitude of situations may include, but is not limited to topics such as translation and cognition in the context of: 

● minority languages 

● under-researched languages 

● under-resourced languages 

● under-researched translation settings 

● non-professional translation 

● politics, power 

● intralingual translation,  accessibility,  easy/plain

● language 

● crisis settings 

● technologies 

● workplace scenarios 

● interpreting settings 

● Translator and interpreter training 

● Neuroscientific aspects of translation and interpreting 

● sociology 

● emotions 

Submissions to any of the topics above are invited, and participants may submit an abstract for either a full paper or a poster. ICTIC 5 extends a particular welcome to early-career researchers and new scholars to the field. ICTIC 5 is hosted by Agder Forum for Translation Studies and the University of Agder under the auspices of the TREC network. 

A limited number of slots for online presentations will be made available. Please indicate if you wish to present online when submitting your abstract. 

Keynote speakers 

We are happy to announce the following keynote speakers: 

● Marie-Aude Lefer, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium 

● David Orrego-Carmona, University of Warwick, UK 

● Bogusława Whyatt, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland 

● Binghan Zheng, Durham University, UK 


Deadline for abstract submissions: 

31 August 2024 

Abstract submission via ConfTool: 


Abstract length: 

400-500 words (excl. references) 

Abstract language: 


Feedback from reviewers and notification of acceptance: 

31 December 2024 

Early-bird registration deadline: 

28 February 2025 


2 – 4 June 2025 

Conference website: 


Local organizing committee 

Jean Nitzke, Sandra L. Halverson, Chiara Gebbia, Jūratė Žukauskaitė, Luis Pérez González 

The TREC management committee 

Jan-Louis Kruger, Elisabet Tiselius, Christopher D. Mellinger, Sixin Liao