LI Chaoyuan
Post-doctor Researcher
Research: Corpus-based Translation Studies
Email: seaneclucy AT gmail DOT com
PhD, Linguistics, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Master of Arts, Linguistics, Graduate School, Xi’an International Studies University
Bachelor of Arts, English, School of English Studies, Xi’an International Studies University
02/2020 to present
Postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University
06/2009 to present
Lecturer, School of Translation Studies, Xi’an International Studies University
(Subjects: Conference Interpreting, Consecutive Interpreting, Translating Cultural-related Texts, Listening and Note-taking for undergraduates; Interpreting for Foreign Affairs for graduates)
Journal articles:
Li, Chaoyuan, & Kent, Michael L. (2021). Explorations on Mediated Communication and Beyond: Toward a Theory of Social Media. Public Relations Review, 47(5): 1-11. [SSCI]
Li, Chaoyuan, & Wu, Dongying, Doreen. (2018). Facework by global brands across Twitter and Weibo. Discourse, Context and Media, 26: 32-42. [SSCI]
Li, Chaoyuan. (2018). Book review: Faked in China: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and Globalization. Critical Arts, 31(6): 1-5. [SSCI; A&HCI]
Liu, Ming, & Li, Chaoyuan. (2017). Competing discursive constructions of China’s smog in Chinese and Anglo- American English-language newspapers. Discourse & Communication, 11(4): 386-403. [SSCI]
Kent, Michael L., & Li, Chaoyuan. (2020). Toward a normative social media theory for public relations. Public Relations Review, 46(1): 1-11. [SSCI]
Li, Chaoyuan. (2019). Metaphors and dehumanization ideology: A critical analysis of the multimodal representation of women in advertising. Chinese Semiotic Studies, 15(3): 349-377. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Li, Chaoyuan. (2016). Review on language studies and globalization. Intercultural Communication Studies, XXV(3): 320-326.
李朝渊. (2011). 学生译员交替传译中修复策略使用机制阐释.《外语与外语教学》, 5: 78-82.
吴东英、李朝渊. (2016). 新媒体的社会语言学研究:回顾与展望.《当代语言学》, 18(4): 514-531.
李朝渊、吴东英. (2016). 跨国公司社交媒体话语中的关系言语行为分析. 《中国ESP研究》, 7(2): 30-40.
李朝渊、吴东英. (2019). 新媒体话语的跨文化研究.《跨文化研究论丛》, 1: 89-102.
李朝渊. (2021).“知识产权”和intellectual property译名辨析.《东方翻译》, 3: 37-43.
Translated volumes:
李朝渊. (2022).《美猴王》(中译英). 北京:朝华出版社.
李朝渊. (2016).《中国故事绘》(第一辑,《愚公移山》等10篇)(中译英). 北京:朝华出版社.
李朝渊. (2017).《中国故事绘》(第二辑,《梁祝》等10篇)(中译英). 北京:朝华出版社.
李朝渊、李放. (2018).《我也会发明》(中译英). 北京:知识产权出版社.
贺莺、李朝渊. (2014).《英语习语轻松学》(英译中). 北京:商务印书馆.
贺莺、李朝渊、李放. (2021).《学而为生:南非中学后学习新愿景》(英译中). 北京:中国社会科学出版社.
吴耀武、张宇珩、李朝渊. (2021).《中国的脱贫之路》(China’s Way Out of Poverty)(中译英). 北京:中国社会科学出版社.