2024.11Corpus Linguistics: A Look at Trends and Challenges
Speaker:Professor Randi Reppen, Northern Arizona UniversityTime:12/9, 2024, 11:00Zoom Meeting ID:830 7449 7544Passcode:852086In this presentation I will explore how corpus linguistic research has changed over the last several decades. I will focus on both methodological developments and also the increased role of quantitative approaches and the recent interest in AI. My presentation will have three sections that will consist of showcasing studies that reflect recent issues and challenges in corp
2024.10Exploring #LancsBox in Social Sciences and Digital Humanities: Shaping the Future of Corpus Linguistics
Abstract:With the rise in quality of output from Machine Translation, Large Language Models and other AI tools, the future of translation careers appears to be diminishing. Some people claim the arrival of Singularity when machines become better than humans.In my talk I will explore the trajectory of the last hundred years of research into Language Models with the suggestion of pragmatic and theory-driven solutions for the future of translation careers. The pragmatic solutions are based on compl
2024.09Language Technology and Translation: Translation careers in the brave new world of language models
Abstract:With the rise in quality of output from Machine Translation, Large Language Models and other AI tools, the future of translation careers appears to be diminishing. Some people claim the arrival of Singularity when machines become better than humans.In my talk I will explore the trajectory of the last hundred years of research into Language Models with the suggestion of pragmatic and theory-driven solutions for the future of translation careers. The pragmatic solutions are based on compl
2024.09ICSA hosted an international online symposium on textbooks
On September 6th, 2024, Beijing time, Professor David Machin and Dr. Lili Zhang of the Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications (ICSA) of Shanghai International Studies University hosted an international online Symposium on English Language Textbooks.Scholars included Ana Kuzmanović Jovanović and Jelena Filipović from theUniversity of Belgrade, Serbia, Germán Canale from Universidad de la República, Uruguay, Ali Jalalian Daghigh and Sahar Rasoulikolamaki from University Malaya, Malaysia, Muh
2024.03Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers
3 professors of SISU ICSA have been selected for Elsevier’s 2023 “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers”.On March 27, 2024, Elsevier released its 2023 list of “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers”.Prof. Lei Lei, Prof. David Machin, and Prof. Gwen Bouvier of the Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) were selected for the list.In 2023, a total of 5,801 “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” from 496 universities, enterprises, and scientific research ins
2024.03Swearing, discourse and function in conversational British English
Title: Large Language Models and the Transformation of Translation StudiesSpeaker:Prof. Hu KaibaoAbstractThis talk explores the impact of large language models (LLMs) on translation studies, detailing the evolution and principal attributes of LLMs, and highlighting the substantial opportunities and challenges they present. It examines changes in translation practices and research approaches, highlighting emergent issues like translation ethics, the identity of translators, translation style, and
2023.12A semiotic concept of technology
Title: A semiotic concept of technologySpeaker: Dr. Alin OlteanuAbstractI propose defining technology from a semiotic perspective and discuss the consequences thereof for construing language. By adopting semiotic modelling theory (Sebeok, Danesi 2000) and in inspiration of the postdigital view on mind(Fuller 2022), I define technology as the mind’s outworking. This implies that language is one among many technologies that humans use to construct meaningful environments.Through this exploration,
2023.11Unveiling the Enchanting Tapestry:Modern Chinese Literature in English Translation
2023.11Three speeches on TS and Knowledge Genealogies
2023.10Translation in International Communication:Problems of understanding, and past andfuture challenges for interpreters
2023.10ICSA Postgraduate Programme
2023.10ADMISSION for 2024, ICSA
Notice of registration for 2024 recommended exam-exempt students in Language Data Science and Application of ICSA, SISUThe notice of registration for 2024 recommended exam-exempt students in Language Data Science and Application of Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications of Shanghai International Studies University is officially announced. Details are as follows:01 Application requirementHave noble patriotic sentiment and collectivism spirit, strong socialist belief, strong sense of social
2023.09The Nature of Civic Debate on Social Media
Mission Statement:The ICSA Social Media Research group (ISMR) serves faculty and students from the Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications who are engaged in research involving social media, civic debate, and digital issues and processes. ISMR was founded in 2022 by researchers from SISU University. At present, there are a number of projects running, carried out by its affiliated faculty members and their students. The group’s objective is to facilitate collaborations among these researcher
2023.04Hu Kaibao from ICSA at SISU contributes the entry of corpus translation studies in Encyclopedia of China
Prof. Hu Kaibao from ICSA at SISU contributes the entry of corpus translation studies in Encyclopedia of ChinaRecently, the online version of the third edition of Encyclopaedia of China was published, in which the entry of Corpus-Based Translation Studies was written by Prof. Hu Kaibao from the Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications of Shanghai International Studies University.(https://www.zgbk.com/ecph/words?SiteID=1ID=442922Type=bkzybSubID=205659)Prof. Hu Kaibao explained in detail the b
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