• 2022

    1. Kyung Hye KIM joined the draft of application for Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK Research and Innovation fund. For 18 months from February 2022, she participates in the UK-South Korea Connections Grants entitled ‘Towards diversity, equality and sustainability in streaming: Translating British media in Korea and Korean media in the UK’ as a research participant.

  • 2021

    1. Li Xiaoqian. 2021. Studies on the International Influences of the English Translations of Core Diplomatic Terms since 1949, China National Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation

  • 2020

    1. Geng Qiang. 2020. 中国共产党重要文献中的隐形翻译话语研究. Project of Social Science Foundation of China. 在研

    2. Tan Yesheng. 2020. 主持国家社科基金项目“基于语料库的中国民俗文化外译认知研究”(2020.09-2024.06)。

    3. Xu Hongzhi. 2020. 2020汉语多词语法成份标注语料据。2020年汉语多词语法成份识别任务(PARSEME VMWE Shared Tasks)测试数据。

    4. Xu Hongzhi. 2020. 2020无监督语言形态分析系统 V2.0 (Xu, et al., 2020). 下载地址:

  • 2019

    1. Jiang Yong. 2019. A Space Integration Approach to Ad Hoc Concept Construction in Chinese. Project of Social Science Foundation of China.

    2. Kyung Hye Kim. 2019. Principal Investigator. SJTU-Warwick Joint Seed Fund, title: Internationalisation in Higher Education in China: Enhancing home and international student experience

    3. Kyung Hye Kim. 2019. Principal Investigator. 上海交通大学外国语学院“双一流”学科建设项目 (一般项目/自由申报项目), title: Internationalization of language and translation programs in the institutions of higher education in China

    4. Li Xiaoqian. 2019. Discourse Analysis of China’s Diplomatic Image since 1949, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

    5. Mao Wenwei. 2019. A study on the cognitive mechanism of Chinese Japanese learners based on data mining technology (19BYY201), General Projects Supported by National Social Science Foundation, RMB 200000, 2019-2022.9.30

  • 2018

    1. Hu Kaibao. 2018. 上海市语委项目“公共信息多语服务平台”(结项)

    2. Jin Juhua. 2018. 山东省社科科学规划研究项目“《习近平谈治国理政》对外话语风格及韩文版翻译传播研究”(结题中)

    3. Kyung Hye Kim. 2018. Principal Investigator. 上海交通大学外国语学院教学研究项目, title: MTI International Students and Training: the Opportunities and Challenges

    4. Kyung Hye Kim. 2018. The Rutherford Fund Strategic Partner Grant programme international fellowship, funded by Universities UK International (UUKI), and financed by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BIES)

    5. LÜ Shanshan. 2018-2019. Caijia: Cross-dialectal documentation of a highly endangered language in Guizhou Province of China. Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (MDP0392), SOAS, London. Co-applicant(联合申请人).

  • 2017

    1. Geng Qiang. 2017. 十七年时期(1949-1966)中国翻译话语研究. 上海市哲学社会科学一般项目. 结项

    2. Hu Kaibao. 2017. 中国外文局科研项目“十八大以来核心概念、术语的海外影响力研究”(结项)

    3. Hu Kaibao. 2017. 国家社科基金重大项目“中国特色大国外交的话语构建、翻译与传播研究”(在研)

  • 2016

    1. Hu Kaibao. 2016. 国家社科基金一般项目“基于语料库的中央政治文献英译研究”(在研). National Social Science Foundation.

  • 2015

    1. Hu Kaibao. 2015. 中国翻译研究院重大项目“改革开放以来党政文献术语库、语料库”(结项)

    2. LÜ Shanshan. 2015-2016. Tysomin (Typologization of Synchronic and Diachronic Processes in Southern Min, a Sinitic Language‘闽南话的共时变异和历时发展’),ANR-11-ISH2-001-01,主持人:Hilary Chappell(曹茜蕾). Research assistant(科研助理).

    3. Mao Wenwei. 2015. A Long-term Research on Tokyo Metropolitan Development Plan in 2025 (No. 2014XJW004), Key Projects funded by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government Decision Consulting Research Foundation, RMB 50000, Qualified, 2015.7-2015.12

    4. Xu Hongzhi. 2015. 2015-2019LORELEI(LOw REsource Languages and Emergent Incidents:低资源自然语言处理以及紧急情况检测)

    5. Xu Hongzhi. 2015. 2015-2018无监督语言形态分析系统 (Xu, et al., 2018). 下载地址:

    6. Zhang Jidong. 2015, hosted Donghua University Key Social Science Project “A Comprehensive Study of the Linguistic Features of Phraseology in EST Texts”

  • 2014

    1. Mao Wenwei. 2014. Changes in Chinese Social Life (No. 2014XJW004), Projects funded by Shanghai Chinese Academic Excellent Foreign Translation Foundation, RMB 150000, 2014.5-2018.2

    2. Tan Yesheng. 2014. 主持国家社科基金项目“基于语料库与认知文体学的汉学家小说翻译批评研究”(2014.09-2020.06). National Social Science Foundation.

  • 2013

    1. Jin Juhua. 2013. 国家社科基金中华学术外译项目“当代中国审美文化”(结项)

    2. Jin Juhua. 2013. 韩国国际交流财团研究项目“韩国语身体部位惯用语的认知特点及与汉语的对比研究”(结题)

    3. Mao Wenwei. Corpus-based cognitive research on Chinese Japanese learners (No. 13BYY160), General Projects funded by National Social Science Foundation, RMB 180000, Outstanding, 2 013.5-2018.10

    4. Tan Yesheng. 2013. 主持上海市哲学社会科学规划课题项目“英美汉学家小说翻译的认知研究” (2013-2019)。

    5. Zhang Jidong. In 2013, hosted Shanghai Municipal“Pujiang River Talent”Project “A Study of the Linguistic Features of Phraseology in EST Texts”;

    6. Zhang Jidong. In 2013, hosted Donghua University Social Science Project “A Comprehensive Study of the Statistic Measurements of Phrases in EST Texts”

  • 2012

    1. Jiang Yong. 2012. Space Mapping Studies on Negative Polarity Items. Project of Social Science Foundation of China.

    2. Jiang Yong. 2012. Information Theoretical Studies on Polarity Items. Project of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education

  • 2011

    1. Geng Qiang. 2011. 晚清至现代中国文学的隐形翻译史研究. Project of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education.

    2. Mao Wenwei. 2011. A Cognitive Linguistics Study on Expression Errors of Chinese Japanese Learners (No. 12YJC740076), Projects funded by MOE (Ministry of Education in China) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Foundation, RMB 70000, Qualified, 2011.12-2017.4

  • 2010

    1. Hu Kaibao. 2010. 国家社科基金重大项目“大规模英汉平行语料库的研制与应用”的子项目“专门英汉平行语料库的研制与应用”(结项)

  • 2009

    1. Zhang Jidong. In 2009, hosted the MOE Social Science Project “A Corpus-Based Study of Lexis Heterogeneity in EST Texts;

  • 2008

    1. Hu Kaibao. 2008. 国家社科基金一般项目“基于语料库的莎士比亚戏剧汉译研究”(结项). National Social Science Foundation.

    2. Zhang Jidong. In 2008, hosted Donghua University Social Science Project “A Corpus-Based  Study of the Chinese College English Learners’ Writing Proficiency”

  • 2007

    1. Tan Yesheng. 2007. 主持年教育部人文社科一般项目青年项目(2007-2012):“翻译创造的认知路径与认知制约”. National Social Science Foundation.